The climate crisis concerns us all and sustainability is no luxury but a necessity. Therefore, Brudi-Bräu strives for better beer as well as more sustainable brewing. In order to reduce the ecological footprint, Brudi-Bräu focusses on three fields of action. Regional ingredients, seasonal brewing and optimal resource utilization.
Why ship ingredients around the world when extraordinary hops and malt are produced in Germany? Brudi-Bräu uses the most local ingredients possible. All beers by Brudi-Bräu are produced with Pilsener malt from southern Hessen and special malts from upper Franconia. Our hops are either sourced from southern Hessen or the Hallertau. Beer styles such as the American Amber Ale that are defined mainly by their American ingredients are also brewed with local ingredients, for example by using Pilsener malt instead of Pale Ale or 2-Row malt. Special ingredients such as strawberries for fruit wheat beers or rolled oats for Oatmeal Stout are of course also sourced from local farmers. The shorter transport routes are beneficial for the world's climate.
Brudi-Bräu makes only top-fermenting ales with yeatss that work at cellar temperatures. Furthermore, the temperature fluctuations in the basement are used for different beer styles. Yeast-forward beers with strong ester proiles are made in the summer, beers with a clear fermentation profile are made in the winter. By not using heating or cooling systems, energy is saved and old seasonal brewing traditions such as the Bière de Garde that were almost extinguished by the success of bottom-fermenting beer styles such as the Pilsener are revived. Brudi-Bräu also does not use water chemistry or filtration systems wherever possible. This saves resources and the resulting beer is more natural and just tastes better.
Brewing beer consumes a lot of energy and resources. Therefore, Brudi-Bräu tries to utilize both of them as good as possible. The depleted brewing malt for example is either processed in the associated house bakery and processed to malt bread or fed to chickens. The cleaning processes that account for the majority of the water consumption during brewing are permanently optimized in order to use detergents optimally. The cooling water from the process of wort chilling is re-used as process water. Only renewable energy is used for the both the brewing and the bottling process. And cans may be trendy in the craft beer universe but with regards to sustainability they cannot compete with good old reusable bottles. Consequently they are used exclusively by Brudi-Bräu and kegs and cans are not an option.
Beer is a part of many beautiful moments in our lives, starting with the pub night with friends, the beer after work with colleagues or the special strong ale with a good book by the fireside. Alcohol is also a ubiquitous drug and its negative aspects are also inseparably connected to beer. Brudi-Bräu is therefore commited to responsible, moderate and safe consumption of alcohol. We recommend the following: